Wisconsin Attorney General Joshua Kaul

Wisconsin Attorney General Joshua Kaul and Governor Tony Evers are petitioning the state supreme court to assume original action in a case against the state legislature. The suit not only involves all three branches of government but pits two of them against each other. Kaul and Evers seek to have... Read More »

Sacramento San Joaquin Delta aerial view

Several groups of nonprofit environmental advocacy groups have filed a lawsuit against California. The lawsuit is in opposition to a new dam that is set to be built in the Del Puerto Canyon. The lawsuit was filed by the Sierra Club, the California Native Plant Society, Friends of the River,... Read More »

Bessman Okafor

On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, the Florida Supreme Court refused to reinstate death penalty sentences for two men whose death sentences were vacated pursuant to a 2016 U.S. Supreme Court ruling. The men, Bessman Okafor and Michael James Jackson, had been convicted of murder and sentenced to be executed prior... Read More »

Connecticut's U.S. Attorney John Durham, the prosecutor leading the investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. (U.S. Department of Justice via AP)

On October 19, 2020, Attorney General William Barr appointed Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel under the same federal regulations that covered special counsel Robert Mueller in the original Russia probe undertaken in May 2017. The order authorizes Mr. Durham “to investigate whether any federal official, employee or any... Read More »

Bill Cosby

In a virtual hearing on November 20, The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justices homed in on a specific area of interest concerning an appeal of Bill Cosby’s prior conviction: what is the permissible legal scope of using ‘prior bad acts’ witnesses? The use of ‘prior bad act’ refers to witnesses who... Read More »

Ivanka Trump with husband Jared Kushner

Ivanka Trump was deposed Tuesday in the Washington, DC attorney general’s lawsuit late Tuesday concerning her father’s inauguration. President Trump’s daughter, who is also said to be under consideration by the president for a preemptive pardon, sat for her deposition in the offices of the attorney general. The lawsuit concerns... Read More »

Planned Parenthood building

On November 23, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit overturned a 2017 district court decision that granted the right of individual plaintiffs to challenge a Texas state decision to disqualify Planned Parenthood from its Medicaid program. The overruling decision now allows Texas and Louisiana to exclude... Read More »

Vial With Pentobarbital Used For Euthanasia And Lethal Injection In A Hospital

The Department of Justice has quietly amended current execution protocols. The amended rule was published Friday, November, 27th and will go into effect on December 24. Different states currently allow different types of executions, and with the amendment, lethal injections will no longer have to be the primary method of... Read More »

CULTV8 California Vanity Plates

A California DMV license plate standard that bans offensive license plates has been ruled unconstitutional and a violation of the First Amendment's freedom of speech by federal judge Sallie Kim. The current standard stipulates that the DMV must approve license plates with potentially offensive language before the plates can be... Read More »

Business woman, men in the background

The New York Task Force on Women in the Courts issued a report in 1968 that looked at the treatment and experiences of female attorneys, litigants, and other court employees in the state. The report yielded results showing that women were denied opportunities in professional capacities, equal treatment, and justice... Read More »

The Trump Clan

It may only be early December, but President Donald Trump is already meeting with advisors in the White House to discuss preemptive pardons for his adult children Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka, along with son-in-law Jared Kushner and personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. Presidential pardons are extremely broad though not unlimited,... Read More »

Buffalo Diocese

Protect the children or protect the church? For years, the obvious answer to this question was ignored by the courts, U.S. bishops and the Vatican. But since the turn of this century, lawsuits have been in full swing, and a new one, filed by New York’s Attorney General against the... Read More »

United States Federal Trade Commission building

San Francisco-based FinTech app ‘Beam’ promised clients above-market rates on federally insured deposits with 24/7 access to their funds, but did not return their deposits when requested, as noted in a new federal lawsuit filed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The banking app is now being investigated by The... Read More »

Trucks come off the assembly line at GM's Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra pickup truck plant

On Monday, November 23, 2020, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), ordered GM to recall and repair approximately seven million vehicles that contain Takata airbag inflators. Though GM strenuously insisted that the inflators in question do not pose a threat, they agreed to abide by NHTSA’s decision and make the... Read More »

District Attorney of San Francisco Chesa Boudin

Earlier this Thanksgiving holiday week, the District Attorney of San Francisco, Chesa Boudin, announced that homicide charges would be filed against former police officer Chris Samayoa for fatally shooting an unarmed carjacking suspect, 42-year-old Keita O'Neil. The shooting took place three years ago on December 1, 2017. Samayoa was a... Read More »