Sep 25, 2024
car accident
Ways of Determining Negligence

In the field of personal injury law (negligence), there are different ways to determine how responsible each party is and how damages should be distributed, and every state is different. This article describes the types of contributory or comparative negligence found in jurisdictions around the country. When more than one... Read More »

food safety
New Legislation Introduced to Ensure Food Safety

The federal government has relied on chemical analysis to monitor the safety of food since the mid-1800s. Since the passage of the Pure Food and Drugs Act in 1906, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has become the nation’s largest consumer protection agency. While the overall goal of the agency... Read More »

Asylum-seeking migrant families from Central America disembark from an inflatable raft after crossing the Rio Grande into the United States from Mexico in Roma, Texas, July 29, 2021. (CNS photo/Go Nakamura, Reuters)
Federal Judge Blocks Texas Order Which Stops Transported Migrants

A federal judge has blocked a Texas order that targeted migrants after the Justice Department filed suit against the state to keep state troopers from targeting and stopping vehicles that transport migrants. Governor Gregg Abbott issued the executive order last Wednesday on the grounds that stopping vehicles that were transporting... Read More »

Housing activists protest in New York last fall.
Uncertainty Looms after CDC Eviction Ban Lifted

At the onset of the pandemic, a federal moratorium on evictions was put in place by the Centers for Disease Control. Last Saturday, the moratorium which had been extended several times throughout the pandemic had reached its end. President Biden explained that the moratorium would no longer be in effect... Read More »

Marijuana plant
California Legislature Asks: Is What You Smoke at Home Your Boss's Business?

California Lawmakers Consider Bill to Stop Employers from Discriminating Based on Marijuana Use. Untold Californians are currently basking in the rapidly expanding recreational marijuana industry. Pot has become so mainstream in California that dispensaries are offering home delivery and advertising on billboards. Yet some California employers are still, rightly or... Read More »