Oct 20, 2024
Photo Source: Adobe Stock
Unstructured Clinical Judgments Barred from Civil Commitment Proceeding

A mentally disordered woman, sentenced to 17 years in state prison, then transferred to a state mental hospital, will not be recommitted because those who examined her failed to present sufficient evidence that showed she “currently represents a substantial danger of physical harm to others” beyond a reasonable doubt. In... Read More »

Photo Source: The New York Times via Kim Chandler/Associated Press
Federal Court Rejects Alabama’s Supreme Court-Ordered Redistricting Plan

Back in 1812, Elbridge Gerry, then the Governor of Massachusetts, created an odd-shaped Congressional district in his state, manipulating the boundaries to create an advantage for his political party. His legacy, called “gerrymandering,” lives on, and Alabama’s latest attempt to use it to avoid giving Black Alabamans what a federal... Read More »

Image Source: Adobe Stock Image
Sexually Violent Predators Must Get Timely Trials

A series of new laws, petitions and amendments has kept a convicted sexually violent predator (SVP) in a California state hospital, without a trial, since 1993. The Supreme Court of California has now considered his constitutional rights and ruled that “persons facing SVP commitment have a due process right to... Read More »