A family walking hand in hand in a sunny field, symbolizing unity and togetherness.
Could “Bird Nesting” After a Divorce Work for Your Family?

Divorce can be a difficult process for any couple to go through, and when children are involved, the process will almost certainly be that much tougher. In a traditional divorce, the two partners who are separating typically take a two-household approach. This approach will usually involve one parent moving out... Read More »

A motorcycle helmet on the ground near an accident scene, with a car and motorcycle in the background.
What is a Wrongful Death Claim?

If you are hurt in a car accident caused by another driver, you can file a personal injury lawsuit against the driver who hit you. But what happens when someone is killed in an accident? Does the victim’s claim survive and get passed to the estate? And do the surviving... Read More »

A person holding a smartphone displaying the Bumble app's login screen.
A Fumble for Bumble: Class Action Suit Results in $3 Million Settlement

A California-based class-action lawsuit brought by app users successfully resulted in a large settlement this week against Bumble. In total, the new settlement is $3 million and will go to male app users who qualify under specific guidelines. The class-action lawsuit alleged Bumble discriminated against male app users, specifically those... Read More »

A group of protesters wearing masks and shirts with the slogan "BANS OFF OUR BODIES" raise their fists in a demonstration against the Texas abortion law.
GoDaddy Bans Texas Abortion Law Whistleblower Website

Texas anti-abortion group, Texas Right To Life, is in a losing battle with its attempts to create a website where vigilantes can report individuals who are violating the controversial Texas law banning abortions. The Texas Heartbeat Act, or Senate Bill 8 (SB8), has been criticized on its merit and implementation.... Read More »