Woman in dreadlocks at the office

Instances of race-based hair discrimination are not uncommon. Chastity Jones is part of a long list of roadblocked cases alleging race-based hair discrimination in workplaces and schools. However, as court decisions and Congress appear optimistically receptive to change, cases like hers may now receive a national legal reckoning. Jones was... Read More »

Amy Coney Barrett

Senate judiciary meetings for President Donald Trump’s newest nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, have concluded, with a committee vote set for October 22. The proximity of her potential confirmation to the upcoming election sparked immediate controversy, including several calls for Barrett to recuse herself from... Read More »

auto accident claim

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, filing a claim against the negligent driver with his or her insurance company can be an intimidating process. Insurance company adjustors and lawyers can manipulate you into making inconsistent or damaging statements that hurt your case. They can also seriously undervalue your... Read More »

Electoral College Banner: Vote Your Conscience, Reject Putins Pupper

The Electoral College was established by the Founding Fathers during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. There were some who thought that Congress should elect the President. Others thought that it should be left up to a popular vote. The Electoral College was a compromise. The Electoral College is a group... Read More »

Person dropping ballot in box

Florida is one of 18 states in the U.S. with a system in place to directly involve the public in passing amendments to the state constitution. Over the years, this form of “direct democracy” has helped introduce meaningful legislation with powerful participation from the people themselves, rather than depending solely... Read More »

Voting Ballot in Ballot Box

One would struggle to argue that 2020's presidential election is a normal one for the United States. Between the coronavirus pandemic and racial unrest, this year is undoubtedly historic. It is worth remembering that even in our relatively short national history, the American people have weathered other unusual and even... Read More »

Presidential voting ballot

The U.S. Constitution lays out some bare guidelines for voting in elections, but states carry most of the weight themselves. The Constitution does not guarantee voting as a right, exactly, and the consequences of that omission have rippled over the years. According to Section 2 of Article IV, states are... Read More »

Led Zeppelin in concert

Christopher Marlowe has, perhaps, stepped ever so slightly to stage left in order to make room for a guitarist named Randy Wolfe—or, as he was known, Randy California. But, just as William Shakespeare will eternally clutch the most pertinent spotlight with Marlowe in the shadows, Wolfe and his band Spirit... Read More »

People holding signs Justice for Breonna Taylor Sleeping while Black

The Constitutionality of No-Knock Warrants: A Potentially Deadly The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects individuals' rights against "unreasonable searches and seizures." It also establishes that law enforcement may only obtain a warrant when they have probable cause. Of course, as is often the case with the Constitution,... Read More »

Man holding sign Yes on 15 Fund Schools and Public Services

With November 3 approaching, most of the country is focused on the big names of the 2020 general election, and the words “split roll” aren’t set to dominate the headlines anytime soon. But in California, those words are all the more significant in light of the onslaught of pandemic updates,... Read More »

Lady Justice Court

With the death of liberal and feminist icon Ruth Bader Ginsberg just weeks before the Presidential Election, the Supreme Court is taking center stage in the media. President Trump wasted no time in selecting a judge to fill the empty seat. Liberals across the nation are struggling to come to... Read More »

Folder felon voting

In 2018, Florida voters filled out their ballots with a special referendum: whether or not the over 150 years-old state law dictating felon disenfranchisement should stand. With over ten percent of eligible adults in Florida rendered ineligible to vote due to the law, which required an often-years-long process of applications... Read More »

911 operator

On August 31, California passed a bill that would make fake, racist 911 calls a hate crime that could result in fines and even jail time. Lately, there have been documented instances where predominantly white people have called the cops on people of color for doing everyday activities like bird... Read More »

firefighter fighting wildfire

In California, a law has been passed enabling prisoners who have worked in fire camps while incarcerated to become full-time firefighters after their release. Eligible ex-convicts must be nonviolent offenders. Once they are released, their criminal records will be expunged, allowing them to become firefighters more easily. This bill was... Read More »

Enough & assault weapon sign

Cook County, Illinois, and Massachusetts both have assault weapons bans in place. These bans are based on a national assault weapon ban that expired in 2004 when Congress did not renew it. Cook County enacted its ban in 2007. The Massachusetts ban has been in place since 1998. Cook County’s... Read More »