A man in a suit walking up the steps of a building, presumably related to a legal case.
Landmark Opioid Trial Begins with Legal Blame-Game in West Virginia

In a landmark opioid case that began on Monday, brought by two counties and a city in West Virginia, attorneys for three gigantic drug manufacturers came out swinging, refusing to take any responsibility. Attorneys argued, in part, that their companies cannot be held responsible for the West Virginia opioid epidemic,... Read More »

Exterior view of Rigby Middle School with authorities present and police tape surrounding the area after a shooting incident.
Authorities Search for Motive In Sixth Grader’s Shooting Rampage

The investigation into the Idaho school shooting at Rigby Middle School is ongoing as authorities continue searching for a motive behind a sixth grader’s shooting rampage. On Thursday at around 9:15 am, authorities were called to the middle school after teachers and students heard gunshots ring out on the school... Read More »

Biden greets lawmakers in the House chamber, emphasizing his administration's commitment to raising the immigration cap for refugees.
Biden Announces Raising Immigration Cap

President Biden says that he is raising the cap of immigrants allowed into the country this fiscal year to 62,500 from the record low 15,000 set by President Trump, “which did not reflect America’s values as a nation that welcomes and supports refugees.” However, he adds that unfortunately, the United... Read More »

Protesters rally outside a courthouse holding signs advocating to cancel rents and stop evictions and foreclosures.
DOJ Appeals After Federal Judge Strikes Down CDC Eviction Ban

Judge Dabney Friedrich of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia struck down the Center for Disease Control's eviction moratorium on Wednesday. The case was brought in front of the court by the Alabama Association of Realtors where they argued that the CDC overstepped its authority in telling... Read More »