Sep 20, 2024

Gypsy Rose Files Lawsuit Against True Crime Blogger Alleging Fraud and Defamation

by Nina Richards | Jun 04, 2024
Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images via Washington Post Photo Source: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images via Washington Post

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who gained national attention for her involvement in the murder of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard, is now taking legal action against blogger April Johns, also known as Franchesca or "Fancy" Macelli. Blanchard alleges fraud, breach of contract, and defamation in a lawsuit filed against Johns in response to what she claims was a misleading partnership agreement.

According to court documents obtained by The Daily Beast, Blanchard asserts that Johns approached her while she was incarcerated, offering to produce media projects based on her life story in exchange for signing a "Life Rights Option Agreement." She allegedly assured Gypsy that she would reap significant financial benefits from the partnership, claiming she had the connections necessary to make the project a success. Blanchard contends that instead of fulfilling her promises, Johns engaged in a hate campaign against her and leaked personal information to the public.

The lawsuit alleges that Johns made false accusations against the Blanchards, including claims of stalking and harassment. Furthermore, she published confidential information that Gypsy had provided over the past two years, such as medical records, and incited others to target Blanchard and her family. Blanchard asserts that Johns' actions have caused “irreparable harm” to her reputation and seeks a temporary restraining order against Johns.

The lawsuit accuses Johns, who allegedly presented herself as an expert on Blanchard's case, of fabricating stories, inciting harassment against Blanchard and her family, and seeks damages for the alleged misconduct.

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Nina Richards
Nina Richards
Nina earned her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Brandman University, laying the foundation for her interest in and understanding of human behavior. She works full-time at Law Commentary and is dedicated to merging her passion for pop culture with legal insights. Combining her analytical skills and interest in staying updated on trends, she strives to deliver pop culture legal news, bridging the gap between law and contemporary society.