Sep 21, 2024

Madonna Faces Lawsuit Over Alleged Concert Delays

by Nina Richards | Jan 21, 2024
ABC News via Kevin Mazur/WireImage via Getty Images Photo Source: ABC News via Kevin Mazur/WireImage via Getty Images

Pop icon Madonna is currently facing a lawsuit filed by two concertgoers, Michael Fellows and Jonathan Hadden. According to legal documents, Live Nation and the Barclays Center are also named as defendants.

The lawsuit arises from one of Madonna’s concerts held on December 13, 2023, at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Fellows and Hadden claim that Madonna took the stage at 10:45 pm, well past the scheduled 8:30 pm start time.

The delayed start resulted in the concert ending around 1 am, leaving fans with “limited transportation options, scarce ride-sharing availability, and increased public and private transportation costs at that late hour.” Lawyers Richard Klass and Marcus Corwin, representing the plaintiffs, emphasized the inconvenience caused by these circumstances.

The plaintiffs contend that Madonna's delayed starts have been a recurring issue at multiple shows throughout her tour and Billboard reported that the legal documents encompass claims including breach of contract, violation of New York's business practices, and false advertising.

Currently, there has been no comment from Madonna, Live Nation, or Barclays Center.

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Nina Richards
Nina Richards
Nina earned her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Brandman University, laying the foundation for her interest in and understanding of human behavior. She works full-time at Law Commentary and is dedicated to merging her passion for pop culture with legal insights. Combining her analytical skills and interest in staying updated on trends, she strives to deliver pop culture legal news, bridging the gap between law and contemporary society.